31. The Wise Warrior Does Not Go to War
Weapons of war are not tools of the wise, For they only bring misfortune.
The sage uses them only as a last resort, With calm restraint.
Winning in war is not a reason to celebrate, For victory involves death.
Enjoying death and destruction
Cannot lead to fulfillment.
Enter a battle reluctantly,
As if you were attending a funeral.
-The Alchemist’s Tao Te Ching, by Andrew McCart
Releasing grief, building confidence: The Lung Sound
The Six Healing Sounds are one of the foundational practices of Taoist movement and meditation. Here, I discuss and demonstrate the lung sound. It is helpful for releasing emotional patterns of grief, sadness, and low self esteem. Smiling to the lungs is a practice for growing confidence, integrity, and a sense of inner beauty. The lungs (and corresponding organ the large intestine) are the metal element and correspond to the color white. The lung sound is Sssssss. Try it!