Generating Saliva or “Red Dragon Stirs the Sea” In a seated, meditative position, move the tongue around the mouth in…
Pulsing Meditation “Pulsing” is a technique of concentrating on a specific place in the body. Pulsing meditation directs energy to…
Resonance and Cultivation “The tone of musical instruments and our own voice facilitate deepening the resonance of our body-mind with…
Tai Chi and a Tree Taoists teach that trees can mediate between the sun/moon/stars and the earth. They go deep…
Sexual Energy Massage The energetic massage of the reproductive organs can be one of the most important practices for restoring…
High Blood Pressure and Chinese Medicine High blood pressure results from inflammation of the inner walls of arteries. Once the…
Question: have you posted about opening the chakras? Thoughts: The word chakra has Sanskrit origins and literally means “wheel,” to…
Relax for Health Taoist teachers feel that emotional stress can cause a variety of harm to our physical body and…
Honoring Nature Parts of modern culture seems to want to conquer and control nature through clear-cutting forests, commercial farming, and…
Self-Healing and Wholeness The lower abdomen or lower tan tien is where life begins and where Taoist meditation begins in…