Energy Meridians? Energy in the body flows through energy channels like rivers flow down mountains to the ocean. When this…
Bladder Chi Kung Few things are more common than urinating. Bladder chi kung strengthens the kidneys, the pubococcyx muscle, the…
Basis of the Inner Smile The secret of the Inner Smile meditation sounds so simple. Smile down to the body,…
A leader leads by example not by force.–Sun Tzu
Breathing Basics Learning to control our body and emotions begins with deepening our breathing. The lungs are organs we can…
Feeling Energy in the Body To awaken or feel energy flow in the meridians of the body, the technique I…
Growing Virtue in the Body Question: In your book, you said this is a system of growing virtue in the…
Eight Great Rivers Deep inside the body, there are energy channels that act as the energetic infrastructure of the body.…
The Earth’s Alchemy The Earth is in continually creating and birthing new life. It provides the stability for the entirety…
Question on Sexual Health Recent question: I’m reading a book about sexual energy being used for health. What do you…