Tibetan Five Rites, Simplicity

“The benefits most likely to be achieved are increased energy, stress reduction, and an enhanced sense of calm, clarity of thought, increased strength and flexibility, resulting in an overall improvement in health and well-being.“ http://www.t5t.com/article_info.php?articles_id=19

A Simple Life Leads to Clarity
The Tao is like water, nourishing all things. Water flows in the low places
And always finds its way home.
Likewise, the alchemist accepts what is discarded And recycles the energy to benefit all.
He lives a simple life, Therefore his mind is clear. Because he is not taking, He is able to give.
He speaks with clarity,
Because he knows himself.
As a leader, he encourages people To choose their own destiny.
When taking action,
He applies his best gifts,
And then lets go of the outcome. By not striving for more,
He is content,
And people feel safe around him.

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