Safety Precautions
The bioelectrical energy of the body is powerful and can be volatile if it isn’t treated with respect. An electric power surge can blow a light bulb, or here in the midwestern United States, lightening can strike electric poles and blow out televisions, ovens, washers/dryers. The same power surges can happen with an ungrounded meditation or spiritual practice. People can get in a hurry and want to open their energy channels (especially the core channel) too fast or all at once.
The energy of the body, like electrical energy, is very useful. It runs our health systems and keeps our body animated. Electrical grids run our modern society. The more powerful the energy, the greater the need for grounding. I’ve seen people open strong and powerful energy from inside and invite it in from outside. Without equal balancing of grounding and connecting to the earth, some experience sleeplessness, paranoia, and other mental health problems from experiencing too much energy too fast.
The Taoist path I practice seems to have grounding built in. Just like the process of a child growing; this path starts with lying down meditation and stretching, moves to sitting up, then standing, and finally moving meditation. Slow and steady progress is not only safer, if it ends up being quicker and more reliable over time. We want to absorb energy at a rate in which we can digest it. There’s really no rush. The most basic practice makes us feel better and has healing affects.