Morning Habits
There are some easy things one can do first thing in the morning. For instance, we can have a glass of water to hydrate the throat, wake the brain up, and our digestive systems. Then, we can read something motivational or sit at the end of your bed and breathe, which is a form of meditation. Meditation can seem like something that’s really hard. Many think they have to climb up to a mountain temple and carry only ten items in their knapsack. Then, they wait there until they return with enlightenment, like Moses with the Ten Commandments. But really, we can simply sit and breathe and observe the breath; pause and notice our feelings. Where are my hands? Where are my feet? Think healthy thoughts, as simple as that sounds; that’s meditation. Monitor the rise and fall of the body with the breath. Become present.
Along with getting up slowly, try to own the first hour or two of your morning. That may seem hard, especially if you’ve got other people in your family that you’re getting up. As an example, a friend of mine gets up at 4:30 am. His wife gets up at 4:15 and she meets her friend to workout. While she’s gone, he takes advantage of that hour and a half, and he’s just quiet. He can read motivational things in the morning. He can do a little stretching if he wants to, he can have his cup of coffee. But he gets to own that first hour or two hours of his day. You can do whatever you want, but being in control of that time starts the day with more peace. If we can choose, usually we’ll choose better than if we’re just carried off by the forces of the outside world.