Gain and loss can both drain our energy.
Hope and regret both steal the present moment.
How do gain and loss both drain our energy? When you gain, you have to hold on to it. When you lose, you lament what is gone.
How do hope and regret
both steal the present moment?
Hopes for the future can leave us discontented. Regret is a fool’s errand,
as the past can’t be rewritten.
Therefore, the alchemist is content with what he has.
If he thinks of the past,
the focus is on lessons learned.
Rather than regret past mistakes, He can focus on love for others And forgiveness of self
When thoughts of the past arise.
Keep your mind with your body, Allow true virtue to arise.
The Alchemist’s Tao Te Ching: Transforming Your Lead Into Gold https://www.amazon.com/dp/1718636970/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.FbKDbV1H7RWJ