Acknowledge your fragments to become whole.
See your crookedness to become straight.
Empty yourself to become full.
Abandon your fear of death to become truly alive.
Give up your possessions to receive what truly matters.
The alchemist sees polarities as points on the same continuum.
Without trying, you can shine brightly for all to see.
By not trying to prove yourself, you become trustworthy.
When you forget who you are, people recognize themselves in you.
When you don’t have to win an argument, you will become happy.
It is not idle chatter that the ancients said
“By acknowledging your fragments, you become whole.”
When you see your flaws, you can heal them.
Product / Teacher recommendation:
Tina Zhang is a wonderful teacher and practitioner of Chinese martial arts and qi gong. I can best attest to her teaching of wu-style tai chi as she very patient and fun to train with in an hour, weekend, or week-long format.