The Tao is Practical Many don’t understand the Tao. And feel it’s impractical for the modern age. For those that…
Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.” There is…
Tai chi is a moving meditation with many facets. When one is performing tai chi, one is present in the…
Stomach Point 36 is helpful for vitality. Use your knuckles to rub up and down for sixty seconds to warm…
The liver does so much to help the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of the body. The liver sound, “shhhhh,”…
Iron Shirt 2, or Tendon Nei Kung, involves a series of moving postures that stretch and open tendons along the…
To Help People, Be Humble The ocean is bigger than all streams Because it sits below them. If you want…
Massage the hands to release stress and prevent tension; not just in the hands, but in the whole body through…
A Simple Life is Easiest to Live In old times, the sages taught by example. When you think you know,… The Six Healing Sounds: 4-Video Collection (Approximately 60 minutes) – 22m The introductory video of the Six Healing Sounds…