How can we be healthier?
One piece of advice in starting a new discipline is to be clear about our intentions because our intentions guide our actions. Whenever we have a difficult problem, and we don’t know where to turn or what action to take next, it can be very frustrating. The problem can be with our physical health, in our relationships, our career, or in our mental state. Sometimes we can’t see how to get to a better feeling state from where we are.
In these situations, it can help to start with the intention; a statement of where (or who) we want to be eventually. If we start with a really good intention, and stand behind that intention, the way to the desired goal will reveal itself one step at a time. If we focus on a strong intention and take action, even when we don’t know what actions to take at first, the intention will lead us to read books, meet with people, to say the right things, and take other actions in the ‘right’ direction.
Another strategy in taking action, is to increase our commitment and lower our expectations. A lot of times we take actions with the hope of a certain result. Then, we won’t be happy until that result is accomplished. If we don’t see the result immediately, we get discouraged, stop taking action, and abandon the dream entirely.
However, once we have the intention, it can be helpful to hold that loosely and then increase the commitment. If we have a strong intention, are committed to the process, and don’t worry too much about the expectations just yet, it is easier to find joy in the process. We can aim our behaviors in the right direction and continue to put in our time. Then, step by step, we will notice we’ve made progress. But we have to suit up and show up; putting in effort, carrying water and chopping wood, taking action in the generally direction of our intention.
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