Energy flows When We Relax (Part 2)
- Feeling energy is a sign of bringing presence and awareness into the body. The world is primarily perceived through the outer senses. Thus, we focus on the outer world and it takes effort to reverse this habit. Taoist meditations teach one to turn the awareness inward and awaken the inner senses.
- The spine is a major conductor of electrical energy in the body. It is a super highway of information traveling the length of the torso. Keeping the spine and vertebrae loose through Taoist yoga and chi kung allows one to feel energy with an inner awareness. If we can feel the energy of the spine, we can start to tune into the energies that connect to the spine; the energy of organs, glands, and the bones.
- Movement practices, like stretching, chi kung, and tai chi allow us to practice maintaining an awareness of our center of gravity. Focusing internally while moving externally helps us find balance with the world. If we can do this during a moving meditation, we can maintain a centered feeling in everyday activities.