Be Resolved from the Beginning “There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower,…
Nurture Your Essence The skin, the hair, and the nails give us our beauty, But the inner essence makes the…
Virtue There were virtuous men who capitalized on the principles of Heaven and Earth, derived their life principles from sunrise…
Smile to the Organs Smile down to the organs and become aware of the virtues of each organ: -the heart,…
Tai Chi Players are Less Likely to Die “Dr. Xianglan Zhang of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville,…
Store Energy in the Lower Abdomen Basic chi kung exercises focus on building and storing energy in the lower abdomen,…
Go Slow, Have Fun So it goes with Chi Kung; hold it lightly and have some fun. Go slowly and…
“But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest, and get very quiet,…
The Metal Element The person with a predominately metal element personality can be cutting with their words. They will likely…
Be Unattached to the Outcome Can your body, soul, mind, and personality Function as one? Will you practice ancient wisdom…