Why the Tao te Ching? I went on a trip to China with a favorite teacher of the Tao, Michael…
Shaolin Qigong, an exercise of body and inner strength, breathing through the nose and using abdominal muscles. It enhances blood…
“Huang Di asked: ‘I’ve heard of people in ancient times, spoken of as the immortals, who knew the secrets of…
Iron Shirt Chi Kung Workshop 11/10-11 Saturday, 12-6 PM, Sunday 9-1 PM $88 for both days, $50 for one day…
“In Taoism, cultivation of the movement of the pelvis, perineum, urogenital diaphragm, anus, and the sacrum and cranial pumps is…
Creation is Harmonious in its Totality The sage’s mind is the mind of nature. He has no mind of his…
If we look honestly at your habits, we can predict where we’ll be in five, ten, or twenty years. Let’s…
One doesn’t want to skip easy or simple chi kung practices because they help open the body and strengthen muscles,…
The legendary Iron Shirt Chi Kung practices are divided into three levels in the Healing Tao system. Iron Shirt consists…
The end, or perhaps the beginning, of this spiritual path is the Union of Man and Tao. The teachers on…